On 28 October 1919, the US Congress - against the veto of President Woodrow Wilson - passed Prohibition as the 18th Amendment to the Constitution.  Alcohol was banned in the United States of America. It could neither be produced nor sold.

The fact that alcohol consumption had become widespread in the USA in the 19th century was due to German immigrants. They had brought the art of brewing beer with them, along with better cooling methods and easier transport by rail. But the more widespread it became, the greater the resistance. Above all, religious puritans with the anti-alcohol Prohibition Party as their political arm fought against the devil's stuff.

With this prohibition, they wanted to fight not only the vice of drinking, but also crime and corruption (venality), which were associated with the consumption of alcohol.

This non-alcoholic Prohibition Ale is full-bodied, drinkable and has a nice, fruity hop bouquet. It tastes like beer and it's always fun to drive!


THE DRIVER – real beery | Alc. 0.5 %

also available in bottles

Barter The Driver Bottle
Exchange  – Barter Independent Craft Beer

Are you of legal drinking age?